
Sacred Gifts!

{image from Ms Ladyred's flickr site}

When we begin to think about our purpose in God’s world, we are often overwhelmed!

  • “Am I living out God’s will in my life?”
  • “What if I miss a sign from God?”
  • “Am I too late?” The questions, oh the questions!

I often think that when I struggle with something, on the other side of that struggle is God saying, “Hang on, Susan….there’s a lesson and purpose in the midst of this, and growth on the other side of this moment.” But, believing that God is saying this to me and living out of this belief are two completely different things.

The sacred purpose of our lives is never simple. What I think we would like is for God to install a PA (public address) System in the Universe; something that would sound off at just the right moment to tell us that, “Yes! This is the next step you should take.”

But, God is rarely found in the obvious, and I think there is a reason for this. For it is in the subtle movements of life, that we often find the greatest of God’s inspiration.

The subtle experiences of our life often are the things we pass over (or fight against), but that hold such significance for us on our journeys of faith. At the heart of these subtleties are our own Sacred Gifts. How often do we ignore our ability to comfort a friend, or listen without judgment? Do you find internal joy when you draw, paint, sing, garden, or dance? Do you feel giddy when you organize a room or an activity? These may seem so menial, but they are in fact at the heart of God’s message to us.

You see, I believe that in God’s grand design, he created us with amazing traits, talents and abilities to help us experience joy in this life. When I talk about Sacred Gifts, I’m not necessarily talking about mere physical talent. For example, someone could be an extraordinary tennis player or gymnast. But, if that doesn’t bring that individual joy, I have a hard time naming it as a Sacred Gift.

It may have been an interest that a parent or friend fostered in the life of that individual; but, a Sacred Gift is something that is given to us with the intent of bringing us joy. If we don’t know what those are, we need to start exploring them.
Begin with a list...what are the talents, traits and abilities that bring you joy? Remember, it's not about being "great" at something, it's about identifying the things that naturally bring us joy.

Among this list, ask yourself: what are the experiences, places and people that help you best honor these Sacred Gifts?

Today, choose to honor your Sacred Gifts in some small way. If I have the gift of compassion, choose to cuddle with your children or spouse tonight. If you have the gift of hospitality, prepare the space in which you sleep with something beautiful and inspiring.
How you define your Sacred Gifts is up to you. But, begin to define them - your life is waiting!

Until next time, we take a sacred pause...