
Falling Into My Life!

(image from Ms Ladyred's flickr site}

I remember listening to a talk by Father Richard Rohr in which he made the statement, "Don't push the river!" That statement has resonated with me on so many occasions, but probably none more that right now.

The premise of this idea (don't push the river) is that our lives have a current all their own. I don't have the ability to change all that happens in my life, but I do have the ability to choose how I respond to that which occurs in my life. When I spend my energy trying to change that which cannot be changed, I am pushing the river. This doesn't mean that I have to sit back and do nothing in the face of challenge, but instead I have to put my energy in my response to the events and people around me.

This weekend, as I await news on more tests, I can say that I want nothing more than to "push the river." I would love to know that this cancer will be gone after the radiation next year. I would love to be assured that I will be cancer-free 10 years from now. I can't know that these statements are true, but I can live as though they are. Living as though they are true statements changes everything about how I approach my day.

In so many ways, this is about falling into my life! The reality of where I am, is where I am. Once I accept that reality, I can then look to how I am responding to the truth of my life. This can allow me to make changes within my control and affect how I choose to respond to that which is out of my control.

Some may say that amidst our challenges is not the time to fall into our lives; but, I think that the toughest of times is exactly the time to fall into our lives. When I begin to accept that where I am is where I am, I can begin the process of not letting the challenge itself define me. Instead, I can let how I respond to that challenge begin to shine light on who I am.

It's certainly easier to be at the center of God in my life, when I'm healthy and free of challenge, but I don't think it's quite as telling as trying to reside at the center with God in the midst of this challenge. So, I and all those struggling with challenge in their lives (and who among us is not challenged in some way?) can look at these moments as opportunities to fall into our lives. We can look at these moments as opportunities to challenge ourselves to look more deeply into what or who governs our choices!

I am so thankful for my faith. I'm not the best example of one who walks with God; I have my moments of walking in worry and fear; but, I see the opportunity to choose how I respond to the events around me, and in that I feel a great grace!

Until next time, we take a sacred pause...