
A New Step Forward!

{image from Ms Ladyred's flickr site}

It can often feel as though we are constantly taking steps backwards. This can be an especially poignant feeling in this week when we prepare to summon in a New Year!

But, remember that with every step we take backwards, we should remind ourselves and others that it is an opportunity, not for guilt, but for a new beginning. When our steps move us back on our faith journey, I like to think of those moments as reminders for renewal.

A key to help us unlock the mystery of moving forward in trust was offered to us by St. Francis of Assisi. What we learn from this simple man, whose grace-filled message has reached into the lives of people from many different spiritual traditions, was this:

At the heart of everything is the Gospel, and at the heart of the Gospel is hope!

At the beginning of this New Year, we need a reminder of HOPE! It’s the energy that comes from living with a sense of hope that can motivate us forward. But, as we look toward the future, we need to remind ourselves of the need to put our words into action.

When we welcome in a new beginning in our spiritual lives, we can often find ourselves talking more about the change we want to see, rather than taking action toward making that change a reality. These famous words of St. Francis are words of wisdom for us:

“Go forth and preach the Gospel, use words if necessary”

Whether we are spreading the message of the Gospel, or trying to decide what step to take in our everyday life, we need to remember that more can be done through actions than words. Anyone can talk, but it takes a person of courage to act!

Part of our struggle with this is wrapped up in our ability to play back the failings in our minds again and again. When we think about beginning a new year or a new phase in our life, we certainly apply the lessons we have learned from our mistakes. But, becoming consumed with those lessons can hinder our efforts to move forward.

God simply asks us to recognize when we have stepped back, and then make a commitment to begin anew. Think of the steps forward and backwards that St. Peter took:

Stepping Forward:

Peter said to him in reply, “Though all may have their faith in you shaken, mine will never be.” (Matthew 26:33)

Stepping Backward:

Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard. One of the maids came over to him and said, “You too were with Jesus the Galilean.” But he denied it in front of everyone, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about!” (Matthew 27:69)

Imagine what Peter’s life would have been if he had simply retreated along a path of guilt and remorse. What would his life mean for us today if he had not recommitted himself to a new beginning?

In our spiritual journeys there is always the promise of a new beginning. There is always the promise of new soil to walk upon. There is always the promise of the strength to take another step.

Are you willing to take yet another step forward?

Many Blessings to All of You, and Happy New Year!

Until next time, we take a sacred pause…