
Skipping Stones!

{image from Ms Ladyred's flickr site}

Our spiritual health has, in many ways, taken a backseat to the other areas of our lives. We rightly focus on our physical, emotional, psychological and financial needs as we make choices for our personal development. But, at the root of all of these needs are our spiritual needs.

When we care for these needs, we begin to uncover a perspective that gives all the facets of our existence new life. This journey is one way we can begin to nourish our soul and exercise our spiritual muscles!

I remember as a young girl first learning to skip stones at the lake…

First you searched for just the right stone; it had to be flat and a “good feel” in your hands. Then came the positioning: twisting your wrist in such a way that the stone would be moved to hit the water at just the right angle, and then…if you had done it just right…pure bliss for that stone.

Watching it skim across the surface of the lake, the stone navigates small waves coming from boats and yet still it continues on. You stand on the shore counting, one, two, three, four….How many times will it skip before it dives into the water?

I often feel like that skipping stone, only I am responsible for sending myself off across the water. I have to be in just the right place and just the right frame of mind to propel myself forward. If I’m successful, I will skim the busy, hectic part of life and be caught up in the mystical and amazing breeze of God; and when I finally plunge into the water, it will not be because I have grown too weak to stay on top, but rather because I am ready…ready to fully enter into God’s current. It is here where my perspective is clear and my heart is open!

We can only be spiritually fed when we allow the inspiration of God to permeate us. That is, when people or situations inspire us, we need to let that inspiration take hold in our lives and transform the moment we are in.

Only then can we begin to see one another in a more compassionate light, recognize the presence of God more clearly in our daily lives, and feel inspired to take one step more in trust, along our journeys of faith.

What has been your inspiration today?

Until next time, we take a sacred pause…